Legal Notice
The Retail Experience GmbH
Bismarckstraße 50
50672 Köln
Value Added Tax ID number:: DE 815 377 681
AG Köln HRB 75523
CEO: Silvia Talmon
Liability note:
Despite our careful checks of content, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked websites are solely responsible for their content..
All content, including texts, graphics and the design are subject to copyright law and other protection acts unless otherwise stated. Use of the content for commercial or public purposes, e.g. reproduction, transmission, reuse, storage, amendment or any other use shall only be possible with the prior written consent of The Store Designers. All brand names, trademarks and illustrations used here are subject to the copyright of their respective owner and are only used for purposes of presentation here..
Legal Disclaimer:
Subject to change, errors excepted..
Jörg Hempel, Selina Pfrüner, Jan Knapp, Silvia Talmon, Annika Feuss, Maurice Cox, Axel Schultz, Jennifer Fischer